“Four years at this school and as I write this after graduating, I realize what a journey it was. For that, I have my friends, teachers, and the school to thank. I am extremely grateful to *some* of my teachers who helped me get to where I am by challenging and motivating me to achieve things I never thought I could. My time in Park Lane can be perfectly described using a roller coaster analogy; it was a wild ride. I look back at when I came to the school after living in Costa Rica. I struggled to get accustomed to the very dissimilar culture and academic expectations. I was introduced to classes such as computer science, economics (ironic, I know), and psychology. I can’t deny it, my grades were god awful when I first came. Now though, I can confidently say that I wouldn’t have had it any other way because I learnt that when I was knocked down, with the help of everyone around me, I would manage to get myself back up. Class of 2020, the truth is, I’m glad I had the opportunity to share these years with all of you… I am extremely relieved that we finally finished the IB (without even doing the exams hehe) and I will always look back at this experience with joy.”