On Friday, March 11th Year 9 students enjoyed STEM careers presentations from members of the Park Lane community. The presentations were from Mr Jiří Pertold, Mr Tsz Wah Tsang and Mr Eduard Kučera. Mr. Jan Ascherl was also planning to attend, but he joined the medical relief effort traveling to Ukraine and so sent his presentation materials to be shared with students.
All three speakers shared their journeys to where they are now, the importance of skills needed for a successful and fulfilled working life and the broad avenues which are possible when students have STEM qualifications. The recordings from the presentations and the slides from Mr. Ascherl will shortly be available via the Celebrating Science 2022 Website.
Thank you to the students for demonstrating their respectful listening skills and to the staff who attended. A very special thank you to those who presented for giving up their time and sharing their enthusiasm. I am hopeful this is the first of many such presentations as we help in “…preparing the young people of today for the unknown occupations of tomorrow…”.

Kate Brandwood
Teacher of Science