On Friday, the 7th of October, students in Years 7,8 and 9 will have an assembly during their PSHEE lesson with guest speaker Ilona Burgova, a professional basketball player for the Czech national team.
Ilona will speak about her life, career and how sport has helped her reach her personal and professional goals as well as given her opportunities to travel and meet people around the world. She will share with our students some of the secrets to her success.
See more about her below:
Ilona Burgrová is a former Czech professional basketball player and a long-time member of the national team of the Czech Republic. Her greatest achievements include a silver medal from the 2010 World Cup, winning the Euroleague 2015, becoming the champion of France and the Czech Republic multiple times and participation in the 2012 Olympic Games. Towards the end of her active sports career, she became interested in what happens behind the curtain of sports events. She became a member of the Athletes Commission of the Czech Olympic Committee in 2012 and since 2018 she has been a member of the Equal Opportunities in Sports Commission and became the chairperson in 2021. She successfully finished her Master’s studies in the field of Public Health at the University of South Carolina in 2009. Ten years later she decided to go back to school and successfully completed the Sports Diplomacy course. Ilona also recently graduated from the International Olympic Committee Safeguarding Officer course in 2021. In her free time Ilona likes to spend time with her family, get to know new people and cultures, and she likes to volunteer.