Park Lane International School is delighted to announce an exciting new partnership for our pupils, staff and parents. Following a recent meeting between our managing board and members of the senior management team, we have agreed to support and promote the excellent work of Centrum Narovinu, a not-for-profit organisation which focuses on ‘development cooperation’ to improve education, health care and general life standards in Africa – with specific partnerships between Czech and Kenyan schools.

Whilst Centrum Narovinu is currently running several development cooperation projects, we have agreed to focus on a community centre known as the ‘Island of Hope’ on Rusinga Island on Lake Victoria. Founded in 2005, the Island of Hope currently comprises of an orphanage, a nursery, a primary school, an educational centre with a library, computer room and Internet access, a school canteen, water treatment plant, sanitary facilities and a health centre with a laboratory and 8 beds.

Many of the children who attend the school are orphans from various parts of Kenya, while others come from impoverished villages in the surrounding district. Centrum Narovinu is aiming to establish a secondary school from 2016.

We believe there are various opportunities to connect Park Lane & Nessie with the ‘Island of Hope’ project. Centrum Narovinu personnel will therefore be visiting our sites to meet with pupils, staff and parents and to run some orientation workshops.

Since one of our key aims is to produce ‘responsible global citizens’, there is plenty of scope for our pupils to expand their horizons by participating in some fund (and awareness)-raising activities and shared projects. We therefore encourage everyone to visit the Centrum Narovinu website: