Last Tuesday, 23 young students accompanied by their teachers from Park Lane experienced a wonderful evening at the National Theatre with the play KYTICE (Bouquet). From the very start, we were spellbound by the beautiful language of this classic piece of Czech literature. It was brought dramatically to life and narrated by the well-known actor František Němec and as the play continued its dark tales, the other actors created a visually stunning event full of surprises. The actors received a standing ovation and a long curtain call from a very happy and grateful audience. We are delighted our students were part of this wonderful event.
The Czech Department
And what did the students think?
Z toho co jsem viděla, mě zaujala Kytice. Zasáhlo mě jak byla krutá a nemilosrdná. V devatenáctém století byl život mnohem jiný než teď. Všechno bylo spojené s vírou.
From what I saw of Kytice, I liked it a lot. I liked it because it was cruel and merciless. In the 19th century, life was a lot different from now. Everything was exaggerated and tied with religion.
Marianna B.
Představení se mi moc líbilo, obzvláště se mi líbil Vodník a komické momenty, které se vyskytovaly v představení. Obdivuji také poezii, elegantní jazyk, speciální efekty i krásné pozadí. Národní divadlo vypadalo nádherně. Moc se mi líbilo, jak bylo ohromné a majestátní. Jeviště bylo plné lidí, kteří chtěli vidět hru Kytice. Celkově jsem si to moc užila.
I really liked the play, I especially liked the Waterman and the comic moments that occur in the play. I also admire the poetry, elegant language, special effects and beautiful backgrounds. The National Theater looked lovely, I really liked how luxurious and majestic it was. It was filled to the brim with people wanting to see the famous play Kytice. Overall, I really enjoyed it.
Sophie S.
Návštěvu divadla jsem si moc užila. Interiér divadla byl velmi krásný, elegantní a atraktivní. Líbily se mi různé druhy zajímavých kulis a dekorací, které mě zcela fascinovaly. Oceňuji původní jazyk a text. Moje nejvíce oblíbené balady byly Zlatý kolovrat a Vodník.
I really enjoyed my visit to the theater. The theater was very beautiful, elegant and attractive inside. I liked how they used different kinds of interesting scenery and decorations that looked very fascinating. I enjoyed that they spoke in the original language and used the original text. My favorite ballad was the golden spinning wheel and the waterman.
Thea P.