Over the last week, there have been several house events involving all year groups. It all started last Friday with the Year 10 students competing in the Human Knot, a valiant effort from all of the houses with 3 of the four houses being able to untangle themselves.

During Friday lunchtime KS3 and Y10 took part in the basketball shot and ring toss with all houses well represented. The Red House scored the most points for the basketball shot and the Blue House scored the most points for the ring toss. Following lunchtime several teachers – Ms. Johnson, Mr. Zajac, Mr. McKenzie, Ms. Szymecka, Mr. Dunwell, Ms. Haase and Ms. Říhová also took part in winning valuable house points.

This week Y12 competed in a pong game at Úvoz with the Blue and Yellow Houses winning their matches and taking maximum points.


Chris Gibbins
Head of Year 13