An important part of our day in Year 1 is the lesson of ‘Key Skills’. During this session, there are a wide variety of activities set up around the classroom for the pupils to interact with. These activities range from maths, phonics, science, topic and also fine and gross motor skills. The activities are carefully selected and designed to strengthen the pupil’s skills across all areas of the curriculum. It also promotes fantastic oracy skills as the pupils support each other throughout the session.

Every child has complete ownership of what they interact with during this time, meaning that it is completely accessible to all learners. The activities are then changed on a weekly basis, meaning a multitude of skills can be covered and mastered throughout the duration of Year 1. They are also closely aligned to our current topics, which the children love! It is a really fantastic way to start the day and lots of fun too!

Victoria Smith
Year 1V Class Teacher and Year 1 Curriculum Leader

Year 1 children promoting independence, oracy, and fun, Key Skills lessons.