Last week Zoe I gave a presentation to 9P and 9L on sustainability as part of the humanities theme ‘Love Our City.’
Zoe is passionate about sustainability and was keen to share her knowledge with the Year 9 students, even during period 8 on Friday. As with everything Zoe undertakes, the presentation was meticulously put together and gave the students a chance to check their own carbon footprint.
Sue Gifford
Learning Centre Coordinator
Here is what the students and teachers said:
“It was shocking to learn how much we affect the environment in a negative way.” Anna-Maria Y9P
“It was intriguing to learn how food production can be made more Sustainable.” Josef 9P
“I was very pleased to see such a well-prepared and passionate student speak to their younger peers. Year 9 have benefited a great deal from hearing her speak. Thank you Zoe!” Mr Alex Anea
“Zoe is a very knowledgeable Environmental Systems student who is aware of many of the difficulties facing us regarding issues such as climate change and sustainable use of our resources. Many of the ESS students have changed some of their lifestyles to reduce their carbon footprint. I was pleased that Zoe was able to share some of what she has learned with the younger students.”
Mr Mark Gifford