As in most schools, the new school year has started. The Czech programme is an integral part of our school and has been running since the school opened. Czech teachers educate the children in Czech and spend time with them every day, even if only a small part of it.
In the subject of Czech we offer the students new challenges, projects, assignments, performances, educational trips, etc. Last, but not least, we also have examinations of the selected subjects. All of this began the first week of September and we are excited to see how the children in their new classes and arrangements are gradually getting into the rhythm, learning how to pay attention and be responsible, how to communicate well while making new friends and discovering a world with new teaching materials and topics that certainly do not end beyond the walls of the classroom.
I would like to once again welcome our new colleague, Mgr. Monika Komoňová. Monika is a talented and enthusiastic teacher who works with classes from Year 1 up to Year 5. I can already say that she will be excellent support, not only for the Czech team. Mr Petr continues to teach his groups of students who look forward to seeing the new topics Petr comes up with or writes. Miss Míša, Miss Magda and Miss Irina are working hard to instill the basics of Czech as a foreign language in the children who have to get acquainted with this difficult language at a basic level of communication. Miss Gabriela captivates all the fifth graders with her enthusiasm and passion for events including much more than modern Czech history. The whole first grade is tirelessly supported by the excellent assistants Katka and Silva. They do not hesitate to be of help to all children who need it. We have a great team!
Ideas and desire do not leave us and I wish, dear parents and especially dear children, that our school is still a place for you to experience success, a place you love where the desire to keep improving happens daily.
Jan Prucek
Head of the Czech Department