Golf Tournament Success

Golf Tournament Success

Congratulations to Ellin in Year 5 on her recent success in a golf tournament. She should be very proud of her achievements in the Haribo Kids cup. The Haribo Kids Cup is a golf competition for children under 12 years old. It was created in 2010 by Sandrine...
Year 5 Czech history class at Vyšehrad

Year 5 Czech history class at Vyšehrad

Loňský rok venkovním kolektivním aktivitám a školním výletům pranic nepřál. A protože se vlastivěda v Y5 jako nový předmět těší velké oblibě, jsme rádi, že jsme mohli po dlouhé době vyrazit objevovat historická místa našeho hlavního města. Cílem...
Great start to the year Year 1

Great start to the year Year 1

Year 1 have had a fantastic few weeks at school! We’ve been reading a story in English called ‘Perfectly Norman’ and in our Mathematics lessons, our focus has been place value. We’ve been learning how to represent objects, to count to...
Aquathlon at Petynka

Aquathlon at Petynka

Last Friday 17 students represented Park Lane and took part in a Swim and Run Cup. The event took place in the Petynka heated pool and in its surroundings. The younger categories swam 50 metres and ran 500 metres and the older ones swam 50 metres and ran 1...
National Theatre visit with the Czech department

National Theatre visit with the Czech department

Last Tuesday, 23 young students accompanied by their teachers from Park Lane experienced a wonderful evening at the National Theatre with the play KYTICE (Bouquet). From the very start, we were spellbound by the beautiful language of this classic piece of Czech...