About us

School Mission


Park Lane International School aims to provide a challenging academic programme and supportive learning environment to cultivate in our learners a reflective, open-minded and inquiring approach to both their education and the wider school community. 

We believe that every young person is entitled to lead a happy, safe and productive life and we encourage principled, caring and empathetic practices to achieve this.

We realise that in today’s ever-evolving world, the future that our young people are working towards is entirely unpredictable. We understand that when our students reach adulthood, they are likely to be engaged in occupations and tasks that do not currently exist; utilising technology which has yet to be invented. Moreover, if they are to compete, thrive and survive in the decades to come, they will need to become fully attuned to global issues and develop their intercultural awareness.

Aims and Learner Profile

In line with the IB learner profile we are committed to creating and sustaining an environment where our pupils are:

  • successful learners;
  • industrious and curious;
  • respectful and empathetic;
  • cooperative and collaborative;
  • honest and trustworthy;
  • knowledgeable and competent in their use of technology;
  • aware of environmental issues;
  • resourceful and responsible global citizens.


In keeping with the school’s mission ‘…to prepare the young people of today for the unknown occupations of tomorrow’, we expect all students in key stages 3 and 4 at Park Lane to be: responsible, respectful, resourceful, resilient and risk-takers.

These are the Park Lane 5 ‘R’s, and the concept of the 5Rs feeds into the IB Learner Profile which reflects the holistic approach to teaching and learning at KS5 – the IB Diploma Programme of study. The 5 Rs and IB Learner Profile underpin all we do at Park Lane to ensure our students leave us as well-rounded adults, ready for an independent life beyond school.

We expect all students in key stages 3 and 4 at Park Lane to be: responsible, respectful, resourceful, resilient and risk-takers.
In keeping with the school’s mission ‘...to prepare the young people of today for the unknown occupations of tomorrow’, we expect all students in key stages 3 and 4 at Park Lane to be: responsible, respectful, resourceful, resilient and risk-takers.

Our aim is to support our students to become well rounded individuals and citizens of tomorrow, who are well prepared for a complex world. We believe that academic excellence is key to this, and that this is supported through a focus on wellbeing, metacognition and the development of skills and dispositions that support great learning. Our approach is built around several core elements:

Developing Character and Values… placing a high importance on character, values, and dispositions.

Learning by Creating & Experiencing founded on the importance of creativity and the opportunity to learn through different experiences.


Thinking Differently… fostering innovative and entrepreneurial thinking, embracing and promoting new ideas and new ways of thinking…. recognising that an agile mind/skillset is vital for success in the modern world.

Taking Individual Responsibility & Collective action… encouraging students to take individual and collective responsibility… working in groups to take action, ‘make things happen’ and create positive change.

Listening, Understanding & Collaborating… developing open mindedness, the ability to think through issues from multiple perspective, come to reasoned decisions, be able to work with other people even if their thinking is different.

Internationally minded, locally and globally engaged… embracing diversity and intercultural learning, grappling with global issues. Recognising that being ‘internationally minded’ means engaging with local issues as well.



Constructive discussion between teacher and students in Year 4