ISI Report – excellent in every category
Park Lane International School – excelling in all phases of learning
As an accredited member of COBIS, Park Lane underwent its latest BSO (British Schools Overseas) inspection in March 2022, achieving full compliance with the BSO inspection framework. In the inspection report, the quality of Park Lane pupils’ learning, achievements and personal development are all described as excellent. The inspection report also says:
“In both primary and secondary, the well-being of pupils is actively promoted through the school’s day-to-day leadership and the oversight of, and decisions made by the principal and headteachers.”
“The mutual respect between pupils and teachers and between pupils themselves is immediately noticeable on being in the school.”
“Pupils develop excellent levels of self-awareness, self-confidence and self-discipline. They are resilient, demonstrating the ability to persist with a problem until they find the solution because they are encouraged by supportive staff and leaders.”
“Pupils of all ages demonstrate an excellent understanding of their shared responsibility to maintain a positive environment in school, and as a result there is a strong sense of community.”
“Pupils have excellent communication skills, adeptly applied across all subjects.”
“Pupils make excellent progress in deepening their knowledge and understanding and in developing the appropriate skills to apply across all subjects.”
“The ethos of the school enables pupils to develop a strong sense of mutual regard, respect and cultural sensibilities.”
“Lessons are carefully planned with different levels of challenge and clear expectations. Pupils with SEND receive appropriate support within or out of the classroom and make rapid progress due to additional challenging work and high expectations.”
“Pupils’ progress in mathematics across all abilities and subjects is excellent.”
“School leaders and governors are highly effective in fulfilling the school’s aims, ensuring a challenging academic programme within a supportive learning environment.”
“Robust strategies set by teachers ensure that pupils learn good habits over punctual submission of work, mirrored by academic honesty. As a result, in response, pupils take responsibility for their learning and persevere.”
“Pupils develop excellent study skills as they move through the school.”
“Pupils celebrate the efforts and successes of each other in assemblies and in lessons together and appreciate their teachers who provide both inspiration and support. Equally, senior pupils diligently rise to the challenge of their academic work, appreciating the support they receive. Pupils listen attentively to each other and their teachers with remarkable patience and willingness to allow each other to have the opportunity to contribute.”
Park Lane International School underwent its latest ISI inspection in March 2022. You may download the full ISI report here.