This year, 10 of our Bronze and 11 of our Silver Duke of Edinburgh participants completed their awards, and on Thursday we attended their award ceremony. To get to this point our students have completed 6 months’ worth of activities covering skills, such as singing, learning languages, cooking and embroidery, sports such as climbing, dancing and football, and volunteering activities, such as conservation, tutoring, and running clubs for young children. On top of this, depending on the level they were working on, they successfully completed two gruelling 2 or 3-day hiking and camping trips.
This prestigious award is well known for developing numerous skills in young people and has built many (mostly!) happy memories for all those involved. Most of these students have chosen to continue to the next level and will attend their Silver and Gold Expeditions later this year.
Here are some photos from the ceremony.
Jim Dunwell
Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator