About us

School Governance

Governance model Park Lane

Park Lane’s Governing Board (PLGB) consists of the school’s proprietors, plus the Principal, the Vice-Principal & Head of EYFS/ Primary, the Head of Secondary, the Director of Operations (non-academic) and the deputy heads of Primary and Secondary. 

 The PLGB, which meets regularly throughout the year,  has two supporting committees and a Parents’ Forum (PLPF), which has replaced three of the sub-committees established in 2017. Parent members of the PLPF have parent-governor status.

Launched in January 2024, the PLPF was created to promote a wider range of parental involvement in governance and school development. Its 16 parent members represent the interests of pupils from all key stages and each of the school sites.

The school’s governance structure continues to include:

  1. The Safeguarding, Child Protection & Pastoral Care Committee;
  2. The Premises, Environment and Health & Safety Committee.

For further information on governance, please contact the Clerk to Governors Jana Řídelová:    jridelova@parklane-is.com 

The Chair of the Park Lane Governing Board (and co-proprietor) Mr. Jan Bébr may be contacted during term times and school holidays as follows:

Address: c/o Park Lane International School, Valdštejnská 151, Praha 1, 118 00, Prague, Czech Republic

Telephone: +420 604 573 619